Worried about your next interview? Here are some of our top tips.
At interview
Do not arrive smelling of garlic and beer from the night before...
Make sure you haven’t borrowed your Dad's suit with it being two sizes too big!
Don’t make your opening statement like something out of the Jeremy Kyle show! They are interviewing you, not offering you a therapy session (be professional and keep it about the job)
As nice as high waisted Simon Cowells trousers are, save your tribute act for your spare time and dress appropriately.
Leave the Alan Sugar apprentice approach to the interviewer. Clients are completing the interview and let them keep control as much as possible.
Remove the Wrigley’s chewing gum as no one, except for the dentist, needs to see your shiny filings!
Know your CV! As the glazed over look is not appealing to a prospective employer. You may not think they will mention your student days while flipping burgers at McDonald’s, however they may have worked there themselves!
Do your research on the company, no one likes a lack of interest, thinking they build houses when they actually manufacturer shampoo, it`s worth the time!

As much as we all believe in ourselves and world domination, parking in the Company Directors parking space is not a great first impression.
No one doubts that you’re a highly professional candidate however, coming across as the Don Corleone (Godfather) of your industry is not always advisable and can often get up peoples noses, Confidence is GREAT! Arrogance ISN`T!
Arrive in plenty of time, the Anekka Rice running around, puffing and panting, with beads of sweat is not the sign of an organised person.